Ecommerce search transcended for the AI age

Mar 20, 2024
Explore search engines and how your ecommerce shop can improve customer experiences via search, discovery and personalization.
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8 min read

The Hush-Hush Secret of Accuracy of HNSW and Vector Databases

Mar 20, 2024
Learn how we eliminate the need to compromise between precision and recall, offering superior flexibility and accuracy.
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5 min read

Is AI-Powered Data Engineering the Key to Unlocking Your Product Catalog's Potential?

Jul 19, 2024
Enter the world of AI-powered data engineering, where LLMs and prompting techniques are revolutionizing how we process and enrich data.
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7 min read

Vector Math Never Looked So Floral: How Vantage is Revolutionizing E-commerce Search

Mar 20, 2024
Now, here's where the real magic happens. What if we could combine a specific product request with the style essence from the user?
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8 min read

Compound AI Search: Where Keywords and Vectors Are Just the Beginning

Jul 19, 2024
The ability to connect customers with the right products quickly and accurately is more than a convenience—it's a competitive necessity.
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5 min read

Semantic Search for Beginners

Mar 20, 2024
While it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, semantic search is the wizardry behind making our online shopping and browsing experiences smarter and more intuitive.
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8 min read

The Future of E-Commerce Is AI-Powered - and Interpretable

Jul 19, 2024
Our goal is to demystify interpretable AI and showcase its role in shaping the future of e-commerce - no advanced data science degree required
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9 min read